Next Meeting - Coffee and Chat with our AGM on Thursday 16th January 2025 from 9.30am at a venue to be confirmed....
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Newark & Sherwood Autism Support Group

General Information



All those involved with the group are volunteers giving freely of their time and experience.   

The membership subscription for this group is currently free.  Membership subscriptions are set at the AGM. 

We are always keen to encourage greater involvement in the group from all its members.  If you can offer any help in supporting other members of the group, it will be much appreciated.  Help at events and fund raisers is always needed.  Becoming a Committee Member or taking on one of the roles listed in the 'Who's Who' section is all part of the vital work to sustain this group.     

Pre-COVID we met on the first Thursday each month in term time for group discussion and this often includes a guest speaker.  On the third Thursday each month in term time we meet informally for ‘coffee and chat’.  Currently we meet as often as needed virtually via ZOOM.  As the COVID restrictions ease, our opportunities for personal contact change.  See web site or facebook for the most up to date details regarding meetings, venues, times and guest speakers.     

When we return to some degree of 'normality', we do organise trips to various venues and locations.  These trips are heavily subsidised and we try to fill all available seats/places.  We do require a non-refundable deposit of £5 per person to book a seat/place on any trip.

Many trips require that your parent/carer goes with you to ensure your safety and provide adult supervision.  Trips to some venues have staff at those venues who will take on the safety and supervision roles and for these trips your parent/carer does not need to come along but may choose to do so if there is space.

For each and every trip a separate ‘Group Trip Form’ has to be submitted for each participant.  These forms are available from the Trips Coordinator or any Committee Member at the time of booking your place(s). 

For all events and trips, we are able to look after your medication if required, however we are NOT permitted to administer any medication.  Your medication must be self-administered or administered by your parent/carer.

We arrange a wide variety of training courses on many aspects of support for autism.  This includes invited professionals, councils and schools.  An annual summer conference for parents and carers is organised (usually in June or July) with invited guest speakers and many informative and relevant support services and trade stands often with demonstrations.  Again most of this has had to cease due to COVID restrictions.    

If you would like to offer help for the group or receive support details or additional information, please contact any Committee Member.  Some information is available on-line in other pages of our web site.
