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Newark & Sherwood Autism Support Group

October 2019

Newark and Sherwood Autism Support Group

Conference Report

3rd October 2019

Charles Street Methodist Church


  “Different and Diverse – but not Defeated;  

Disability Conference”


  There were three speakers:

  Paul Stafford – Senior Benefits Advisor, who talked around the complex criteria for benefit claims     including DLA, PIP, ESA and Universal Credit.

  Victoria Federico – Solicitor, who looked at SEND law, Access to Schools and EHC’s.

  Henry Normal - poet and co-writer of tv sit-com ‘Royale Family’, who gave personal insights into     family life with his 20 year old son with Autism as depicted in his book “A Normal Family”.


  There were 8 ‘trade’ stands:

  ASK US (formerly ‘Parent Partnership’)                     

  Autism East Midlands                                                            

  Colourful Hands Dolby Ltd                                                     

  Hope House

  Newark and Sherwood YMCA                                               

  Travel Counsellors

  Parent Carers Forum

  Young Carers

  In addition, there were stands for Newark and Sherwood Autism Support Group and one for each of     the three speakers.

  One group “Small Steps” was expected to have a stand but did not attend.

 Not a ‘stand’ as such, but a display of specialist equipment was on the platform behind the speaker.



 At the first session, the total ‘head count’ of attendee’s was 36 plus one baby.

 Although people came and went during the course of the day, the total ‘head count’ at each of the   three sessions did not change much.  The maximum for the afternoon session was 39.


The Venue

The event seemed to work quite well within the spaces available.

Comments on seating, comfort, lighting, sound, video projection, kitchen, drinks and nibbles, lunch buffet or any other issue regarding the venue are welcome.



Comments invited on any aspect of event admin., - conference content, session timings, publicity, advertising, delegate registration, advance tickets, speaker invitations, stand invitations,  etc..

