Next Meeting - Coffee and Chat on Thursday 27th February from 9.30am - venue to be decided.
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Newark & Sherwood Autism Support Group

Gift Aid form for donations from UK tax payers

  Newark and Sherwood Autism Support Group

(A charity established in 2006; registered in England number 1155269)

Supporting, helping and empowering parents and carers for children and adults on the autistic spectrum; with or without diagnosis.


Charities can receive donations from individuals which may ‘gift aided’, providing:

1. The individual donor is a UK income tax payer       


2. The total amount of gift aid claimed by all the charities the individual donor has given to, must not exceed the total of income tax paid to HMRC by the individual.

The Gift Aid amount varies from year to year in line with the standard income tax rate, but is generally around 25%.  This means that if an individual gives a charity £80 in any one tax year, the charity can claim back from HMRC about 25% of £80 = £20.  There is no maximum or upper limit.

In April of each year the charity can apply to HMRC for the gift aid amount.  Once HMRC have checked that the individual donations are valid, the charity can expect a cheque from HMRC in around August of that year.

Individual donations normally have to be recorded with the amount, date, plus the donor’s full name, address, postcode and signature.  Donations can be made as ‘one off’ payments by completing the form below for each and every donation.  Give the completed form to the group treasurer with your donation.  For regular donations by cash, cheque or bankers standing order, please complete a separate tax declaration form (available on request).  This form lasts from the date signed until such time as it is withdrawn by the donor and can cover many tax years.

Date:                                                               Donation Amount:

Cut or tear at the line below and keep the top part of this sheet for your own records.


Charity:           Newark and Sherwood Autism Support Group        Charity No. 1155269

Date:_______________________     Donation Amount:_____________________________

Your full name:______________________________________________________________

Your address (as on your annual tax return form)



Post Code:__________________________  Signature______________________________
