Next Meeting - Coffee and Chat on Thursday 27th February from 9.30am - venue to be decided.
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Newark & Sherwood Autism Support Group

Latest News

In this section, information and news will be displayed in reverse date order, so that the latest news always appears first.


   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                              AGM

   Thursday 20th June 2024 at BeanBlock Cafe from 9.30am.

   Come along and have your say.

   Choose your Committee for the next year.

   Look at events and support the group can provide.

   All members invited.

   And it is also our regular monthly Coffee and Chat session


  Tuesday 16th April 2024 from 8.30am

  'Warm Space' at Charles Street Methodist Church

  Drop in for coffee and a chat.





Thursday, 16th November 2023 at Charles Street Methodist Church.

4.30pm to 6.30pm.  After this the sessions are 23rd and 30th November plus 7th, 14th and 21st December. 

FUN and FREE for autistic young people

plus their parents, carers and siblings.

Come along and ENJOY – we nearly have a band, still plenty space left for more to join in.

Creating our own original sound: singing, drums, percussion, piano, guitar and more.  Be there and make it happen!

If you have an instrument – bring it along.

No musical experience or knowledge necessary – come to create something special and unique.

Can be a launch pad for an Arts Award Qualification at ‘Discovery’ level.



Fernwood Village Hall

Saturday 14th October 2023

2pm to 4pm

Organised by local support group ‘Still Smiling’ - see flyer below

If you are looking for help and support – this is a good place to start.

Our group ‘Newark and Sherwood Autism Support Group’ is sharing a stand with Nottinghamshire Parent Carers Group.

Other stands from local agencies offering help, support and advice are expected.

Come along and see what we all have to offer.



Great time had by all at last Thursday’s session trying out flute and saxophone as well as the usual piano and drums.

At least as much fun for parents and carers having a go as for our young people.

Next Session:

Thursday, 12th October 2023 at Charles Street Methodist Church.

4.30pm to 6.30pm.

For autistic young people plus parents, carers and siblings.

And it is FREE – just come with loads of enthusiasm.

And it is FUN – led by the brilliant guitar teacher, singer and songwriter, Tim, with years of experience guiding and encouraging.

Come along and ENJOY – spaces still available.

Creating our own original music : singing, drums, percussion, piano, guitar and more. 

Be there and make it happen!

If you have an instrument – bring it along.  The saxophone will be back!

Maybe getting our own ‘band’ together now.

No musical experience or knowledge necessary –

come to create something special and unique.

Can be a launch pad for an Arts Award Qualification at ‘Discovery’ level.

Contact me for full details and hope to see you there.


9th September 2023

Community Music Project for Disability Groups in Newark.

Our group has been invited to participate.

Come along, join in and get creative!

You decide what ‘music’ you would like to create.


Just for our Autism group members, their siblings, carers and parents.

Nominal age range 14 up to age 25 (enthusiastic younger members may come along and join in).

Every group member must be accompanied by parent or carer..

WHEN:       Thursday 14th September 2023 from 4.30pm to 6.30pm

WHERE:     At Charles Street Methodist Church, NG24 1RN

(Corner Barnbygate and Charles Street; plenty on street free parking.

The same place that our group held its last one day conference)

This is the first of 12 sessions to run weekly (excluding half term) until December. 

The next one after this – same time, same place – Thursday 21st September.

Funded by the Arts Council via NSDC and Palace Theatre/Civil War Centre, these sessions are all free to you.

Booking not essential – you can just turn up – although it would be helpful if you could reply by email if you are coming, so we have some idea of numbers - which are limited to around 10 to 12 group members.    


Tremendous opportunity to create your own musical masterpiece.  Under the guidance of Tim from SoundLincs and others.  Bring your own instrument (if you have one and it is not too big!) and your voice – your own ‘built in’ instrument.  Creation, collaboration, concert performance, recording, stream to YouTube – all options are possible in these sessions.  YOU decide what you would like to do.  Some instruments available to use at the session.  No previous musical experience is necessary – we will ensure everyone can join in and enjoy this experience in some positive way.

  11 July 2023


At next 'coffee and chat' session at BeanBlock Cafe on Thursday 20th July 2023, from 9.30am Nikki-Kate Heyes MBE from SoundLincs

will be introducing this project.  


Helene Torr will be there from Notts. C.C. Keyworking Service for Learning Disability and Autism



  17 March 2023

   Lots to update.

   Evening meetings have started!  Come along to the Tambo Lounge in the Buttermarket 6.30pm to 8.30pm on the first Monday of the month.  The first two sessions have already been held and were very well attended.  Next one: Monday 3rd April 2023.


   COFFEE AND CHAT continues at Bean Block Cafe from 9.30am every THIRD Thursday of month - only during school term time. 

Next one: Thursday 20 April 2023 

  AGM - - Thursday 16 April 2023 - - Bean Block Cafe

  Committee elected as follows:

      Laura Redfern           Chair

      Helen Hassell            Joint Deputy Chair

      Sarah Twiner             Joint Deputy Chair

      Claire Teague            Social Media Admin. (FaceBook)

      Richard Miller            Treasurer; Web Site Admin.; Joint Secretary

      Lucy Miller                 Joint Secretary


   Full minutes of AGM available on request

  Notice of A G M

  Tuesday 29th March 2022 commencing at 1.30pm.

  Join us at ASDA Cafe

Agenda to follow.






  18th November 2021

  "Coffee and Chat" at Bean Block this morning, had a great time.

 Some 19 people attended plus a few younger children, and for just under half of them, this was the first time they came.   A very worthwhile time with loads of encouragement  and support.

Next meeting - the last for this year - at Bean Block Cafe from 9.30am on Thursday 16th December 2021.  Hope to see you all again then.

  29 September 2021

  Change of plan!!  COFFEE and CHAT

  Next meeting will be back at the Bean Block Cafe in Newark  (NOT at Sconce Park).  Time and date stay the same:  Thursday 21st October from 9.30am.

  Nice poster about us on the Bean Block FaceBook page.

  (link given below - 16 September)



  22 September 2021


NEXT MEETING for a general get together will be on Thursday 21st October 2021 from 9.30am in SCONCE PARK, Newark - weather permitting.  Keep an eye on our FaceBook page for up to date details!


 Look out also for details of Christmas Events by Autism East Midlands.


 And in February 2022 at our AGM the Committee for the next year will be voted in - will YOU stand?; there are plenty of positions to fill!  Then need to decide on events and training for the coming year.  Come and have your say......... 



  Thursday 16th September 2021 at

  Bean Block Cafe,

  St Marks Place, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 1XT

  from 9.30am to 11.30am

  take a look at


  29th June 2021

ZOOM meetings have been good.

Now we can meet 'face to face' in open air.

We have arranged for TWO Coffee and Chat sessions when we can meet face to face. 

Places are limited - to book your place on either of these you must email 

A reply will confirm your booking.

At SCONCE PARK, Newark from 9.30am on Thursday 1st July

and then:

At RIVERSIDE PARK, Newark from 10.00am on Thursday 15th July.

This meeting will be the last one that Sarah will attend as 'Chair' of the Group.  Please come if you can.


10th June 2021

Sarah has reluctantly decided to step down from her role as "Chair" of the group.  We need to appoint someone to take on this role.

Sarah has prepared the following statement:


It is with a heavy heart that I will be stepping down from my role  as chair of the Newark and Sherwood Autism Support Group as of the end of this academic term. What this means is that the group are looking for a New Chair to head up a wider committee. This is a fantastic opportunity to play an active role alongside a fantastic and passionate group of people. Newark and Sherwood Autism Support Group started over 15 years ago by parents and carers and is run solely by volunteers. The group is a registered charity that supports families with an autistic child or young person under 25 diagnosed and undiagnosed within Newark and Sherwood. The role of chairperson is key in enabling the group to grow, develop and continue to support the wider community.

If you would be interested in finding out more about the role or taking on this role please email

